Rotator Cuff Specialist

Thomas J. Kremen, M.D.
Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Specialist located in Santa Monica, CA & Los Angeles, CA
Just swing your arms around to get an idea of the incredible range of motion your shoulder provides, which is powered by your rotator cuff. When you injure this area, the effects can be far-reaching, making medical intervention a good idea. Thomas J. Kremen, MD is an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in shoulders, helping his patients in Santa Monica wave goodbye to shoulder problems like rotator cuff tears. To learn more about rotator cuff treatments, call the office or use the online scheduling tool to book an appointment.
Rotator Cuff
What is the rotator cuff?
Your rotator cuff is the name for a group of tendons and muscles that keep your arm firmly in place, with the head of your humerus fitting snugly into your shoulder socket. Your rotator cuff quite literally keeps your arm attached to your body and provides the wide range of motion your arm enjoys.
What are the most common rotator cuff injuries?
Every time you use your hands or your arms, your rotator cuff is working, which means it’s one of the busiest groups of connective tissue in your body. It also means that your rotator cuff is susceptible to injury, namely tearing.
Whether due to degenerative wear and tear or an overextension or overuse injury, your rotator cuff can tear in several ways:
- Partial thickness tear
- Full thickness tear
- Recurrent tears after prior surgical repair
- Massive tears
What are the symptoms of a rotator cuff injury?
Rotator cuff tears often present with the following symptoms:
- Pain when resting
- Pain with specific movements, such as lifting
- Weakness in your shoulder
- Stiffness
- Crepitus (a crackling sound) in your shoulder when you move it
The pain in your arm may stay local at your shoulder, or it may radiate down your arm. In some cases, you may not feel any pain at all but experience only weakness.
Whatever the case, it’s vital that you have your shoulder checked out by Dr. Kremen for it to heal properly.
How are rotator cuff issues treated?
In approximately 80% of rotator cuff tears, surgery isn’t necessary. Rather, Dr. Kremen works with you to rehabilitate the area through:
- Rest, and maybe bracing
- Physical therapy
- Anti-inflammatory medications
- Steroid injections
If you have a large tear, or your tear isn’t getting better, Dr. Kremen may recommend surgery. Using arthroscopic techniques, he repairs your rotator cuff, re-attaching it to your bone.
The only way to know for sure which option is best for you is to have Dr. Kremen evaluate your injury.
If your shoulder is bothering you, don’t wait to call Thomas J. Kremen, MD. Or you can fill out the online form to schedule a consultation.